
How Can AI-Powered Network Automation Improve Operational Efficiency?

October 7, 2024

Improving operational efficiency is a given goal for any enterprise on the planet. As such a mainstream, critical component of improving revenue, sales, and reputation, it shouldn’t be time consuming, complicated, or expensive.


This is why AI-powered network automation solutions are the choice for global brands. When it comes to ensuring seamless business operations, these are the solutions you want on your team.


Understanding AI-Powered Network Automation

What is AI-powered network automation? It’s the name given to solutions that use artificial intelligence to automate the identification, mitigation, and elimination of network performance and behavior issues.


In the case of our Wireless Intelligence Platform™ (WIP), organizations experience:

  • 90% faster resolutions
  • 70% fewer problem tickets
  • 80% fewer remote site visits


With WIP, network optimization becomes faster, longer-lasting, and cost-effective.


Benefits of AI in Network Automation

Why artificial intelligence? Because making solutions intelligent means they do more to improve network visibility and control, and enhance user experience. These solutions return time and resources to all professionals.


When selecting a solution, look for these AI-driven benefits:

Proactive Issue Detection

AI-powered network automation solutions like WIP learn to recognize what is normal and abnormal for each specific network they support. At the first sign of any abnormal behavior, these solutions immediately alert IT to a potential issue.


With proactive issue detection like this, IT can respond to problems before operations and users are impacted, not after.

Reduced Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR)

Every year organizations spend tens of thousands of dollars resolving network issues. This is because of the direct costs of restoration, the cost of lost productivity and revenue, and customer “badwill” costs.


What’s the best way to avoid those costly setbacks?


The first would be avoiding any network issues. AI-powered network automation solutions deliver on that front by eliminating network mysteries and streamlining network optimization.


The second would be the faster resolution of any issues. Once again, AI-powered solutions deliver.


While actual success rates will differ from solution to solution, organizations should see reduced Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) with any solution. In the case of WIP, organizations report an average of 90% faster resolution times. This is thanks to WIP’s proactive identification of issues and root causes, and automatically suggested actionable resolutions.

Improved Resource Allocation and Scalability

Improved resource allocation and scalability result when AI-powered network automation solutions provide historical analytics.


These analytics complement real-time analytics by highlighting long-term network performance trends that won’t be identified by a real-time issue alert. For example, changing client utilization patterns might not immediately trigger a network performance problem, but they are an important data point.


These changing patterns are a signal as to what the network will be called to support in the future, and what is needed to provide the best digital experience for all users. With these data-driven insights, decision makers can better allocate resources to meet the specific needs of their users.


This network future-proofing and scalability go a long way to safeguarding business continuity and improving operational efficiency.

Remote Management

When IT has to travel to remote locations before teams can resolve network issues, users experience longer delays and organizations must allocate a greater percentage of the budget to travel costs.


But, when IT can resolve network problems from any location at any time, users suddenly have improved network performance faster than ever before, and organizations can spend their budget on something other than expensive travel.


This is one of the benefits of AI-powered network automation: remote, automated troubleshooting.


How AI-Powered Network Automation Improves Operational Efficiency


Faster Decision-Making

With real-time data analysis and insights, professionals can make faster network improvement decisions. It’s easy to see at a glance what the network needs now for improved operational efficiency and, with historical analytics, what it will need in the future.

Improved Network Reliability

AI-powered network automation solutions deliver fewer network problems. This results in reduced network downtime, and improved network reliability and digital experience.

Automation of Repetitive Tasks

Without automated solutions, IT professionals have to manually perform network testing. As tests should be run consistently – some more than once a day – this eats up a lot of IT’s time. 


With automated solutions, IT teams can devote their time and energy to other critical tasks, trusting that the AI-powered solution is keeping “eyes” on the network, and will alert them immediately to any issues.


The Future of AI in Network Automation

Our WiFi networks are only growing more complex and crowded. As organizations seek to use the latest technologies to improve everything from sales predictions to manufacturing, they will need a solution that will keep the network these technologies depend on running reliably well.


That solution is AI-powered network automation.


If you have questions about transforming your business operations, you can talk to our expert, all-human team. You can also request a demo or free trial of the Wireless Intelligence Platform at any time.


Wyebot is the leader in AI-driven WiFi Automation. Our sensor, cloud, and client device technologies eliminate wired and WiFi network issues and improve the digital experience for every user, independent of location. Our award-winning, first-to-market, innovative solutions are changing people’s lives in the enterprise, healthcare, manufacturing + warehousing, MSP, Retail and education industries.