The Top Nine Cost-Saving Benefits of AI-Powered Network Automation for Enterprises

AI-powered network automation isn’t only good for improving users’ digital experience and safeguarding business continuity. These solutions also deliver important cost-saving benefits for enterprises of all sizes.
Here are nine reasons global enterprises are investing in these solutions now.
What is AI-Powered Network Automation?
AI-powered network automation solutions automatically and proactively detect, identify, and mitigate network issues.
These solutions learn to recognize normal and abnormal network behavior for each unique enterprise network they connect to, and then use that knowledge to inform IT of any issues. Alerts are provided in real-time and can – depending on the solution – include root cause analysis and actionable resolutions.
Top Nine Cost-Saving Benefits
1. Minimize Network Downtime and Disruptions
For the first cost-saving benefit, let’s look at proactive, real-time identification of existing and potential issues.
With proactive, real-time issue identification and root cause analysis, IT professionals can resolve both potential and existing problems faster than ever. This significantly reduces network downtime, and ensures users have more reliable access to an optimized network – and all the technologies that depend on it.
This is possible because this powerful combination moves organizations away from the standard of costly, manual, reactive fire-fighting.
In fire-fighting situations, IT professionals are only alerted to issues after users are impacted. This means some part of the network ecosystem – a connected device, a portal, an application, etc. – is not working as needed. Productivity has already been affected before IT is notified. An enterprise is losing money while IT works diligently to identify the issue and resolve it.
With real-time and proactive alerts, IT is given the power to respond to issues before users even know there’s an issue. This significantly reduces downtime and preserves operational efficiency across the board.
2. Bolster Limited IT Resources
Many enterprises today have a limited number of IT professionals onsite. AI-powered network automation solutions bolster teams in a few ways:
- User-friendly: Solutions should be user-friendly and should not require extensive training. IT should receive useful, actionable analytics within minutes of connecting the solution to the network.
- WiFi expertise is not required: These solutions serve as network engineers, simplifying complex network ecosystems no matter someone’s background or training.
- Take over repetitive tasks: Automation solutions effectively take on repetitive tasks such as scheduled network testing, freeing IT for other critical responsibilities.
Whether an enterprise has five IT professionals or fifty, AI-powered network automation solutions ensure teams have the instant, comprehensive insights they need to deliver robust, reliable networks, 24/7.
3. Eliminate Hidden Network Issues
Unexpected and unintentional drops in network quality cost enterprises hundreds of thousands of dollars. This covers the direct costs of restoration, lost productivity and revenue, and customer badwill costs.
No enterprise needs this.
AI-powered network automation solutions eliminate network mysteries and save company resources.
4. Keep Networks Secure and Compliant
Unsecure networks are a nightmare waiting to happen. Whether personal information is stolen, proprietary data is leaked, or a ransomware attack occurs, the results are disastrous and costly.
Keep networks secure and compliant with AI-powered network automation solutions. These solutions analyze all elements of the network ecosystem, 24/7, and will alert IT to security issues such as unauthorized APs or open ports.
Be sure to work with a solution that is itself compliant with all security policies applicable to your organization.
5. Future-Proof Networks
Updating networks can be an expensive, time-consuming process. That process is simplified and made budget-friendly with network solutions that identify long-term performance and behavior trends using historical analytics.
With these analytics, decision makers can see what their specific networks and users need to best support the enterprise’s business goals and growth strategies.
As technologies will always evolve, future-proofed networks are a critical resource for all organizations looking to control their budget. Be sure to adopt a vendor agnostic AI-powered network automation solution for the best ROI.
6. Simplify Growing Network Complexity
Enterprise networks already consist of thousands of devices. Add in applications, portals, and backend and frontend infrastructure, and network ecosystems are amazingly complex.
This isn’t going to change in our lifetimes.
Optimizing these networks is a full-time job, one that requires constant analytics from the entire ecosystem, 24/7. Without this comprehensive visibility, IT cannot reasonably guarantee reliable network performance.
It is impossible for human professionals to monitor the full network, in real-time. This requires the ability to analyze tens of thousands of data packets a second, every second. Humans don’t have the natural ability to do so.
However, network automation solutions were designed to provide this very support. The insights these solutions deliver keep network optimization simple. These solutions scale as networks grow, ensuring that IT teams, no matter their size, can keep optimization high and costs low.
7. Improve Resource Allocation
Because automated solutions identify both real-time and historic performance and behavior trends, they provide needed insights into where companies need to allocate resources for continued, optimal performance.
Each enterprise network is unique. Each one will be impacted by a diverse set of interference challenges, must support a unique set of users, and is the backbone supporting different operational goals. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to network optimization.
Enterprises need targeted insights into where they will get the best ROI in regards to network upgrades and updates. This is one of the cost-saving benefits provided by AI-powered network automation solutions.
8. Demonstrate the ROI of IT Investments
One of the reasons networks are growing so complex is because we are continuously connecting more and more technologies to them. These technologies are supposed to improve enterprise organizations in some way. They might manage fleets, provide real-time feedback, or monitor remote systems. They are adopted with the expectation that they will do something such as boost productivity, enable a shorter time to market, provide predictive maintenance, or improve safety.
If these technologies don’t deliver, they are a wasted investment. So how do enterprises check for the expected ROI?
They must have the ability to monitor the performance of systems before and after the technology adoption. AI-powered solutions deliver this visibility.
These solutions track the metrics companies need to evaluate the ROI of each and every technology adoption. Additionally, the insights provided by these solutions help enterprises pinpoint what types of technologies they should be adopting.
9. Improve the Digital Experience
For our final cost-saving benefit, AI-powered network automation solutions improve the digital experience for all users. Thanks to their proactive identification of issues, complete network ecosystem visibility, consistent network testing, root cause analysis, and remote troubleshooting, they deliver improved operational efficiency and higher end-user satisfaction.
This improved digital experience protects a company’s reputation, reduces turnover, and improves customer retention.
If you want to bring these cost-saving benefits to your network, check out our award-winning, vendor-agnostic solution, the Wireless Intelligence Platform. Ask us about a demo or free trial today.
Wyebot is the leader in AI-driven WiFi Automation. Our sensor, cloud, and client device technologies eliminate wired and WiFi network issues and improve the digital experience for every user, independent of location. Our award-winning, first-to-market, innovative solutions are changing people’s lives in the enterprise, healthcare, manufacturing + warehousing, MSP, retail, and education industries.