The Essential Guide to Network Automation Benefits | Wyebot

The Essential Guide to Network Automation Benefits

February 12, 2024

What is network automation?

Network automation is a process in which software automatically detects, notifies, and mitigates wired and WiFi network problems. It is a superset of WiFi automation, which primarily focuses on improving the WiFi network. Wyebot’s Wireless Intelligence Platform™ is a network automation solution. 

What is the objective of network automation?

People choose network automation because they want their organization to have reliable, optimal wired and WiFi networks at lower operating costs. Network automation achieves this with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

What problems does network automation solve?

Organizational networks are complex. They consist of hundreds or thousands of wired and WiFi devices, software, applications, and infrastructure. Monitoring these ecosystems takes a significant source of time, money, and energy – and that’s for organizations who aren’t looking for 100% reliable performance. If a company ups their expectations to that level, they now require real-time, proactive network automation..

Why? Network issues occur at any time. They can spring up in a second, or be caused by long-term, slow degradation. If someone wants the assurance of a reliable network, they need to be alerted to problems as soon as they occur before user experience suffers. This is only possible with 24/7/365 network automation across all wired and WiFi frequencies.

Now you see why network automation solutions are necessary. Such constant, real-time monitoring and analysis of performance is beyond human control. Even an organization with hundreds of IT professionals couldn’t do what is needed without the support of technology.

Network automation solutions

  • Deliver end user experience metrics
  • Never take breaks
  • Eliminate network mysteries
  • Scale cost effectively
  • Proactively identify existing and potential network issues
  • Automatically alert IT to issues
  • Run wired and WiFi network tests as often as desired
  • Deliver remote, automated troubleshooting

Where is network automation used?

Network automation should be used in any industry that depends on a wired and WiFi network. In other words, every industry around the world. This includes:

This is also a worthwhile solution for MSPs. Network automation provides the visibility, ease of use, and proactive alerts that providers need to ensure the best service for their customers.

What are the benefits of network automation?

Get ready because there are a lot. 

Organizational benefits:

  • Business continuity: Network automation’s insights support the operation of all devices, applications, and technologies.
  • Lower operational costs: with significantly fewer network issues and a scalable solution, organizations experience better business performance and lower operating costs.
  • Improved user experience: with a reliable network, users have the resources they need when they need.
  • Support for a dynamic workforce: the networks that support WFH and hybrid workforces are growing more complex. Network automation ensures that IT teams have complete network visibility and can build and optimize a network that best fits a company’s unique needs.
  • Enhanced communication and productivity: with a network that always delivers, organizations can use the latest technology, like video conferencing and IoT devices, to improve communication and productivity.
  • Support for emerging technologies: companies with network automation always know what technologies their network currently supports, what capabilities it can support, and how network performance changes after new technology adoption. This gives decision makers insight into whether or not the technology is right for their business.

Technical benefits:

  • Time and energy returned to IT: greater insight and network control directly result in IT spending less time troubleshooting issues and more time on other critical tasks.
  • Automated troubleshooting: network automation solutions give IT teams the ability to resolve issues from any location at any time. This significantly reduces remote site visits and improves the Mean Time to Resolution.
  • Reduced network issues: historical and real-time network insights remove network mysteries and allow for individualized, cost-effective network designs that are future-proofed to meet a company’s unique requirements.
  • Reduced network downtime: proactive alerts and continuous end user metrics mean that issues are identified in real time and often resolved before users are impacted.
  • Continuous analytics: 24/7 analytics are a necessity for companies that want to ensure complete visibility into network performance; if any issue is reported, IT needs data and analytics from that time. There can be no break in analytics if companies want quick, successful resolutions.
  • Flexible response (if a solution is vendor agnostic): a solution that integrates seamlessly with existing infrastructure and can be used across all sites, means IT does not have to spend much time training and installing the technology before it delivers results. Vendor agnostic network automation is not tied to any technology and can be used long-term, no matter what technologies are adopted.

Wondering how you’ve managed without network automation so far? Many organizations feel the same way. Once they adopt the technology, they are adamant that there is no going back. The Wireless Intelligence Platform™ is the only network automation solution on the market with a  vendor agnostic, multi-radio sensor with historical packet capture (PCAP).

For a free demo or trial of the Wireless Intelligence Platform™, click here. If you have any questions, let us know!